[Program in commemoration of the sixtieth anniversary of the I-House]
Program 5 “U.S.-Japan Relations during the American Century (1945-2015)”

  • Date: Thursday, November 15, 2012; 1:30-3:30 pm
  • Venue: Iwasaki Koyata Memorial Hall, International House of Japan
  • Language: English (with simultaneous interpretation)
  • Admission: 1,000 yen (Students & IHJ members: Free)
写真:エズラ・ヴォーゲルLecturer: Ezra Vogel (Professor Emeritus, Harvard University)
Contributing greatly to the development of China and Japanese studies in the postwar United States, Prof. Vogel has served as Director of Harvard’s East Asian Research Center, Chairman of the Council for East Asian Studies, and Director of Program on U.S.-Japan Relations at the Center for International Affairs. His publications include Japan as Number One: Lessons for America, Canton Under Communism: Programs and Politics in a Provincial Capital, and Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China.

Watanabe Akio (Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo)
Graduated from University of Tokyo, Department of Japanese History and completed a Ph.D at Australian National University. Prof. Watanabe has held prominent positions such as Professor of Meiji University, Aoyama Gakuin University, a member of the Defense Affairs Roundtable (advisory panel to the Prime Minister) and President of the Research Institute for Peace and Security. His publications include, Asia-Pacific International Relations and Japan (University of Tokyo Press, 1992) and Prime Ministers’ Decisions (Co-author, Chuokoron-Shinsha Inc., 2002).

Kitaoka Shinichi (Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies [GRIPS])
He has taught at Rikkyo University and University of Tokyo as well as served as Ambassador to the United Nations (2004-2006). He was also the Chairman of the Japanese scholars in Japan-China joint study of history (2006-2009) and the Chairman of the Committee to investigate the Secret Pacts in the Japan-US Security Treaty (2009-2010). His publications include: Global player toshiteno Nippon (Japan as a global player) NTT Publishing, 2010) and Nihon seijishi: gaiko to kenryoku (A Political History of Modern Japan: Foreign Relations and Domestic Politics) (Yuhikaku, 2011)