ALFP Program Schedule 2001


Sept. 3


Visit the Japan Foundation Asia Center

Sept. 4

Workshop I:
Presentation by the Fellows (1)
David Celdran "Surviving
the Marketplace of Ideas in the Age of Electronic Media"/ Ann Lee "Modern
Mythologies in Popular Culture about ‘Asian Values’"

Workshop II:
Presentations by the Fellows (2)
Huang, Ping "Intellectual
Debates on Public Issues in 1990s China"/ Ryu, Jeong Soon "Social Welfare
Policy"/ Shimada, Kazuyuki "Making a New secrity System in Asia-for
Stable Peace and Prosperity"

Welcome Reception

Sept. 5

Workshop III:
Presentation by the Fellows (3)
Mahendra Lama "Economic
Reforms in South Asia: Prospects, Challenges and Concerns"/ Anek Nakabutara
"Social Capital and Civil society Building and Networking: Case Study of


Field Trip to Yamagata / Miyagi

Sept. 11

Workshop IV: Discussion on Future Direction (1)

Sept. 12

Workshop V:
Discussion on Future Direction (2)

Sept. 14

Visit Asia-Japan Women’s Resource Center

Sept. 18

Workshop VI: "Introduction to Consumer Science"

Workshop VII:
"Strategic Communications"

Sept. 20

Workshop VIII: Discussion with Mr. Mikio Kato( Executive Director, International
House of Japan)

Sept. 21

Weekend Retreat in Tateshina

Sept. 25

Resource Person Seminar:
"Transnational Civil Society in Asia" by
Prof. Yoshikazu Sakamoto

Sept. 26

Visit Kalabaw-no-kai.

Sept. 27

Resource Person Seminar:
"History and Nationalism in Post-war by Prof.
Kiichi FujiwaraJapan"

Sept. 28

Resource Person Seminar:
"Peace Studies in Japan Today" by Prof.
Mitsuo Okamoto

Oct. 2

Resource Person Seminar: "Environmental Impact Assessment in Japan"
by Prof. Sachihiko Harashina

Oct. 3

Workshop IX:
Discussion on the Public Symposium(1)

Oct. 5

Resource Person Seminar:
"Japanese Popular Culture" by Prof. Tom

Oct. 6-9

Field Trip to Isahaya/Fukuoka

Oct. 10

Workshop X: Discussion on the Public Symposium(2)

Oct. 12

Visit Dentsu

Oct. 16

Visit Fuji Television

Oct. 18

Workshop XI: Discussion with Ambassador Hiroaki Fujii

Oct. 22

Resource Person Semina
r: "The Public Intellectual and Public Policy"

by Prof. Gerald Curtis

Workshop XII:
Discussion on the Public Symposium(3)

Oct. 26

Public Symposium: "Rethinking Existing Paradigm: Public Intellectuals
in Action"

Oct. 29

Visit the Diet

Oct. 31

Evaluation Session